
Together Revision 2021 - April 2nd to 5th
on a sofa near you

Hey everyone,

With a new Revision come some new updates and changes to the rules. As always we have listened to your feedback after 2020 and made some modifications to make it all a bit easier.

The biggest feedback was that the rules were sometimes unreadable and hard to understand. We've remedied this by splitting up the rules per topic. These are 'Limitations', 'Technical Requirements', 'Before submit your entry' and some final add-ons put together under a topic called 'And Finally'.

Some updates have already been applied to individual compos. These are:

  • Oldskool demo - We have removed the size limit of 2 disk-sides. The maximum-runtime limit of 8 minutes is still there.
  • Graphics compos in general - Clarified resolution and maximum filesize, as well as work stage requirements.
  • Animated GIF - maximum file size is now 20MB
  • 3D Graphics - This is a new compo for all you 3D artists out there. Your entry must exist of an un-animated 3D-scene which will be displayed by a custom viewer - Details on the viewer will be announced later but you can already start modelling.
  • ASCII/ANSI/PETSCII - Added some additional info concerning the default fonts used. We also added a request to add a screenshot to make sure that we are showing your entry the way it is intended. In addition we have limited PC Ansi to 500 lines and ruled out ICE Colors.

Finally, a VERY - and we mean VERY VERY - important thing to mention is that we have moved the deadlines forward 12 hours. This means that the deadline for all Saturday compos are now NOON FRIDAY. This is before that the party officially starts... ZOMG WTF BBQ... Same goes for the deadline for all Sunday compos, these have been moved to NOON SATURDAY. Exceptions are the deadlines for Fast Music and Paintover, these have not been changed.